All resources are available at
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Ipsum | Get all Ipsums, no access token required. |
GET | /Ipsum(guid'key') | Gets an Ipsum based on it's key, requires an access token. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
String | Name | |
String | Text | Lorem! |$top=3$filter=Name eq 'Samuel L. Ipsum'$filter=Name ne 'Gangsta''16f5949e-f2ad-455b-aa60-4d41b97cc756')
You can try the OAuth flow to access the secure example here. All settings have been set, including an example client Id and secret, you just need a valid username and password.
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Address | Get an Address. |
GET | /Address(guid'key') | Get an Address. |
POST | /Address | Add a new Address. |
PUT | /Address(guid'key', Address'address') | Update an Address. |
PATCH | /Address(guid'key', Address'address') | Update an Address. |
DELETE | /Address(guid'key') | Delete an Address. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
String | Street | Required |
String | HouseNumber | Required |
String | HouseNumberAddition | |
String | City | |
String | Zipcode | |
String | CountryCode | Required ISO 3166-1 Alfa-2 code, for a list with all codes click here. |
Boolean | IsPostAddress | Required |
String | AddressType | Required |
DateTime? | StartDate | |
DateTime? | EndDate | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /Applicant | Add a new Applicant. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
String | EmailAddress | Required |
String | LandlineNumber | |
String | MobileNumber | |
String | CitizenServiceNumber | |
String | Initials | |
String | FirstName | |
String | MiddleNames | |
String | Prepositions | |
String | LastName | Required |
String | NickName | |
Byte | Gender | Unknown = 0, Male = 1, Female = 2, X = 3 |
DateTimeOffset? | DateOfBirth | |
String | CityOfBirth | |
String | CountryOfBirthCode | |
String | NationalityCode | Reference to Nationality.NationalityCode (4 digits) |
String | MaritalStatus | |
Byte | LastNameFormat | |
String | VacancyCompanyName | Required |
String | VacancyTitle | Required |
String | VacancyUrl | |
DateTimeOffset? | JobStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | JobEndDate | |
String | Street | |
String | HouseNumber | |
String | HouseNumberAddition | |
String | ZipCode | |
String | City | |
String | CountryCode | |
String | SpouseInitials | |
String | SpouseFirstname | |
String | SpouseMiddlenames | |
String | SpousePrepositions | |
String | SpouseLastname | |
String | SpouseNickname | |
Byte? | SpouseGender | Unknown = 0, Male = 1, Female = 2, X = 3 |
DateTimeOffset? | SpouseDateOfBirth | |
String | WorkflowStartUrl | Readonly |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /ApplicantDocument | Add a new applicant document. |
PUT | /ApplicantDocument(guid'key') | Update an existing applicant document completely. |
PATCH | /ApplicantDocument(guid'key') | Update an existing applicant document partially. |
DELETE | /ApplicantDocument(guid'key') | Delete an applicant document. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | ApplicantID | Required (Reference to the associated applicant) |
Byte[] | Document | Required (Base64-encoded content of the document) |
String | DocumentName | Required (Name of the document, including extension) |
String | DocumentType | (Optional, inferred from DocumentName if not provided) |
DateTime? | CreatedOn | Read-only |
DateTime? | ModifiedOn | Read-only |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Arbodienst | Get an Arbodienst. |
GET | /Arbodienst(guid'key') | Get an Arbodienst. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
String | ArbodienstCode | |
Short? | ArbodienstFormat | |
String | Name | |
String | ContractNumber | |
String | Street | |
Int? | HouseNumber | |
String | HouseNumberAddition | |
String | Zipcode | |
String | City | |
String | Country | |
String | Phone | |
String | Fax | |
String | Website | |
String | Contact | |
String | ContactPhone | |
Short | ContactLevel | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Department | Departments | Collection |
Organization | Organizations | Collection |
Person | People | Collection |
Due to the amount of data that is generated by this endpoint, it is required to use a filter on "RunId" or "Run/Year".
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CalculatedSalaryComponent?$filter=RunId eq guid'RunId' | Get a CalculatedSalaryComponent object by RunId. |
GET | /CalculatedSalaryComponent?$filter=Run/Year eq Year | Get a CalculatedSalaryComponent object by Run/Year. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Guid | RunId | |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid | OrganizationId | |
Guid | CustomerId | |
Int | SalaryComponentCode | |
String | SalaryComponentDescription | |
Decimal? | Amount | |
Decimal? | Hours | |
Decimal? | Days | |
Decimal? | Quantities | |
Decimal? | CalculatedAmount | |
Decimal? | PayoutDeduction | |
Decimal? | Taxtable | |
Decimal? | TaxSpecialRate | |
Decimal? | SvwTable | |
Decimal? | SvwSpecialRate | |
Decimal? | CumulativePeriod | |
Decimal? | CumulativeLastPeriod | |
Decimal? | CumulativeBasis | |
Decimal? | Basis | |
Decimal? | Percentages | |
Boolean | WithdrawalAgreement | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Run | Run | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CitizenServiceNumber | Get all CitizenServiceNumbers (Person and/or Partner). |
GET | /CitizenServiceNumber(guid'key') | Get a CitizenServiceNumber by PersonId. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | PersonId |
Long? | PersonCitizenServiceNumber | |
Long? | SpouseCitizenServiceNumber | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /Client | Add a new Client. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
String | Identifier | |
String | Name | Required |
String | Callback | Required |
String | SingleSignOnReferrer | |
String | Secret |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Company | Get a Company. |
GET | /Company(guid'key') | Get a Company. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid? | OrganizationId | |
Int? | CompanyNumber | |
Short? | CompanyGroupNumber | |
Int | Active | |
String | Name | |
String | Street | |
String | HouseNumber | |
String | HouseNumberAddition | |
String | Zipcode | |
String | City | |
String | Country | |
String | Phone | |
String | Fax | |
String | PostalAddressStreet | |
String | PostalHouseNumber | |
String | PostalHouseNumberAddition | |
String | PostalZipcode | |
String | PostalCity | |
String | Contact | |
String | ContactDepartment | |
String | ContactPhone | |
String | ContactFax | |
String | ContactEmail | |
Short? | Funds | |
Short? | ProcessingState | |
Decimal? | HoursPerWeek | |
String | LBnummer | |
Byte? | Sector | |
String | SubAffiliateId | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Organization | Organization | Single |
CompanyCostCenter | CompanyCostCenters | Collection |
CompanyCostType | CompanyCostTypes | Collection |
CompanyCostUnit | CompanyCostUnits | Collection |
CompanySalaryComponent | CompanySalaryComponents | Collection |
CompanySalaryPosition | CompanySalaryPositions | Collection |
CompanySalaryTable | CompanySalaryTables | Collection |
Payroll | Payrolls | Collection |
ProcessingGroup | ProcessingGroups | Collection |
Run | Runs | Collection |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployments | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CompanyCostCenter(guid'companyId') | Get a CompanyCostCenter. |
GET | /CompanyCostCenter(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId') | Get a CompanyCostCenter. |
POST | /CompanyCostCenter | Add a CompanyCostCenter. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | Required |
Decimal? | Costingcode | |
String | Description | |
String | ExternalCode | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
CostCenterAllocation | CostCenterAllocations | Collection |
CurrentEmployment | CurrentEmployments | Collection |
EmploymentHistory | EmploymentHistories | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CompanyCostType(guid'companyId') | Get a CompanyCostType. |
GET | /CompanyCostType(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId') | Get a CompanyCostType. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | |
Decimal? | Costingcode | |
String | Description | |
String | ExternalCode | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
CostCenterAllocation | CostCenterAllocations | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CompanyCostUnit(guid'companyId') | Get a CompanyCostUnit. |
GET | /CompanyCostUnit(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId') | Get a CompanyCostUnit. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | |
Decimal? | Costingcode | |
String | Description | |
String | ExternalCode | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
CostCenterAllocation | CostCenterAllocations | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CompanySalaryComponent(guid'companyId') | Get a CompanySalaryComponent. |
GET | /CompanySalaryComponent(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId') | Get a CompanySalaryComponent. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | Required |
Int | SalaryComponentCode | Required |
String | Description | |
String | Type | |
Boolean? | Constant | |
Boolean? | Variable | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CompanySalaryPosition(guid'companyId') | Get a CompanySalaryPosition. |
GET | /CompanySalaryPosition(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId') | Get a CompanySalaryPosition. |
POST | /CompanySalaryPosition | Add a new CompanySalaryPosition. |
PUT | /CompanySalaryPosition(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId', CompanySalaryPosition'salaryPosition') | Update a CompanySalaryPosition. |
PATCH | /CompanySalaryPosition(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId', CompanySalaryPosition'salaryPosition') | Update a CompanySalaryPosition. |
DELETE | /CompanySalaryPosition(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId') | Delete a CompanySalaryPosition. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | Required |
String | PositionCode | Required |
String | PositionName | |
String | PositionDescription | |
String | ExternalCode | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployments | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CompanySalaryTable(guid'companyId') | Get a CompanySalaryTable. |
GET | /CompanySalaryTable(guid'key', companyId=guid'companyId') | Get a CompanySalaryTable. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | |
String | Scale | |
Float | Step | |
Boolean | IsHourly | |
Boolean | IsMinMax | |
Decimal? | Salary | |
Decimal? | MinSalary | |
Decimal? | MaxSalary | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployments | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CostCenterAllocation | Get a CostCenterAllocation. |
GET | /CostCenterAllocation(guid'key') | Get a CostCenterAllocation. |
POST | /CostCenterAllocation | Add a new CostCenterAllocation. |
PUT | /CostCenterAllocation(guid'key', CostCenterAllocation'costCenterAllocation') | Update a CostCenterAllocation. |
PATCH | /CostCenterAllocation(guid'key', CostCenterAllocation'costCenterAllocation') | Update a CostCenterAllocation. |
DELETE | /CostCenterAllocation(guid'key') | Delete a CostCenterAllocation. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryEmploymentId | Required |
Decimal? | Percentage | Required |
Byte | IndexNumber | Deprecated and non-functional |
Guid? | CompanyCostCenterId | |
Guid? | CompanyCostUnitId | |
Guid? | CompanyCostTypeId | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
CompanyCostCenter | CompanyCostCenter | Single |
CompanyCostUnit | CompanyCostUnit | Single |
CompanyCostType | CompanyCostTyp | Single |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Country | Get a Country. |
GET | /Country(guid'key') | Get a Country. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
String | CountryCode | |
String | CountryName | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
WoonlandFactor | WoonlandFactors | Collection |
SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity | SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurities | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /CreateCustomerEnvironment | Create a new environment for a new Customer. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ServiceBureauID | Required |
Guid | CustomerGroupId | Required |
Int | ProductGroepKey | Required |
String | CustomerName | Required |
String | Required | |
String | FirstName | Required |
String | Prefix | |
String | LastName | Required |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /CurrentEmployment | Get a CurrentEmployment. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | New generated UID on each request |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid | OrganizationId | |
DateTimeOffset? | EpisodeStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | EpisodeEndDate | |
Guid | EmploymentId | |
String | EmploymentStatus | |
DateTimeOffset? | EmploymentStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | AnniversaryEmploymentDate | |
String | EmploymentStartReason | |
DateTimeOffset? | EmploymentEndDate | |
String | EmploymentEndReason | |
String | ProbationDuration | |
DateTimeOffset? | ProbationEndDate | |
String | ResignationPeriod | |
DateTimeOffset? | ResignationRequestDate | |
Guid | ContractId | |
DateTimeOffset? | ContractStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ContractEndDate | |
String | ContractType | |
String | ContractDuration | |
Byte | ContractIndex | |
Decimal | ParttimePercentage | |
Byte? | DaysPerWeek | |
Boolean | IsMinMaxWorker | |
Decimal? | MinHoursPerWeek | |
Decimal? | MaxHoursPerWeek | |
Boolean | IsOnCallWorker | |
Decimal? | PersonStandardHoursPerWeek | |
String | ReasonContractChange | |
Int | EmployeeType | 1 = Employee, 2 = OnCallWorker without obligation to work, 3 = OnCallWorker with obligation to work, 4 = Trainee, 5 = Other, 6 = Uninsured employee |
Guid | PersonFunctionId | |
Guid? | FunctionId | |
DateTimeOffset? | FunctionStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | FunctionEndDate | |
String | FunctionStartReason | |
String | FunctionSCode | |
String | FunctionName | |
String | RoomNumber | |
Guid? | DepartmentId | |
String | DepartmentCode | |
String | DepartmentName | |
String | DepartmentNameShort | |
Guid? | CostCenterId | |
String | CostCenterCode | |
String | CostCenterName | |
Guid | PersonSalaryId | |
Guid? | SalaryId | |
DateTimeOffset? | SalaryStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | SalaryEndDate | |
Decimal? | SalaryTable | |
String | SalaryReason | |
String | Scale | |
Float? | Step | |
Int | Period | |
Decimal? | VariantSalary | |
Decimal? | VariantHourlyWage | |
Decimal? | NettoHourlyWage1 | |
Decimal? | NettoHourlyWage2 | |
Int | Payment | 0 = Salary, 1 = Hourly wage, 2 = Hourley wage from salary |
Guid? | TimeScheduleId | |
DateTimeOffset? | TimeScheduleStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | TimeScheduleEndDate | |
String | ManagerName | |
Guid? | ManagerId | |
String | SubstituteManagerName | |
Guid? | SubstitueManagerId | |
String | LocationName | |
Guid? | LocationId | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
CompanyCostCenter | CompanyCostCenter | Single |
Department | Department | Single |
Function | Function | Single |
Organization | Organization | Single |
Person | Manager | Single |
Person | Person | Single |
Person | SubstituteManager | Single |
TimeSchedule | TimeSchedule | Single |
EmploymentHistory | EmploymentHistories | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Customer | Get a Customer. |
GET | /Customer(guid'key') | Get a Customer. |
POST | /Customer | Add a new Customer. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
String | Name | Required |
String | CustomerNumber | |
String | Street | |
String | HouseNumber | Required |
String | HouseNumberAddition | |
String | Zipcode | Required |
String | City | Required |
String | Website | Required |
String | Required | |
String | Phone | Required |
String | Fax | Required |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Organization | Organizations | Collection |
Group | Groups | Collection |
Function | Functions | Collection |
Provision | Provisions | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Department | Get a Department. |
GET | /Department(guid'key') | Get a Department. |
POST | /Department | Add a new Department. |
PUT | /Department(guid'key', Department'department') | Update a Department. |
PATCH | /Department(guid'key', Department'department') | Update a Department. |
DELETE | /Department(guid'key') | Delete a Department. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid? | OrganizationId | Required |
Guid? | ParentDepartmentId | |
Guid? | ManagerId | |
Guid? | ArbodienstId | |
String | DepartmentCode | Required |
String | Name | Required |
String | DepartmentClass | |
String | DepartmentType | |
Boolean | StaffDepartment | |
Guid? | SubstituteManagerId | |
Guid? | HRConsultantId | |
Guid? | CasemanagerId | |
Int | Active | |
Guid? | Location | |
String | ShortName | Required |
String | ExternalCode | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Arbodienst | Arbodienst | Single |
CurrentEmployment | CurrentEmployment | Collection |
Department | ChildDepartments | Collection |
EmploymentHistory | EmploymentHistories | Collection |
Organization | Organization | Single |
ParentDepartment | ParentDepartment | Single |
Person | Casemanager | Single |
Person | HRConsultant | Single |
Person | Manager | Single |
Person | SubstituteManager | Single |
Position | Positions | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /DepartmentRolePerson | Get a DepartmentRolePerson. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | New generated UID on each request |
Guid | CustomerId | |
Guid | OrganisationId | |
Int | OrganisationCode | |
String | OrganisationName | MaxLength: 255 |
Guid | DepartmentId | |
String | DepartmentCode | MaxLength: 12 |
String | DepartmentName | MaxLength: 50 |
Guid? | ParentDepartmentID | |
Guid? | RoleId | |
String | RoleType | |
String | RoleName | |
String | RoleMenuName | |
Guid? | ManagerId | |
Int? | ManagerPersonNumber | |
String | ManagerPersonName | MaxLength: 120 |
Guid? | ReplacementManagerId | |
Int? | ReplacementManagerPersonNumber | |
String | ReplacementManagerPersonName | MaxLength: 120 |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Device(guid'key') | Get a Device. |
POST | /Device | Add a new Device. |
PUT | /Device(guid'key', Device'device') | Update a Device. |
PATCH | /Device(guid'key', Device'device') | Update a Device. |
POST | /DeleteDevice(guid'key', string'RegistrationId') | Delete a Device. Requires no access token. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
String | Name | Required |
DeviceType | Type | Required Enum { Unkown = 0, Android = 1, Apple = 2, Windows = 3 } |
String | RegistrationId | Required |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /DocumentGroup | Get a DocumentGroup. |
GET | /DocumentGroup(guid'key') | Get a DocumentGroup. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
String | Description | |
Int | Active | |
Byte | RetentionPeriod | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1325 |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /DynamicList | Get a DynamicList. |
GET | /DynamicList(guid'key') | Get a DynamicList. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Int | ReferenceTableID | |
String | ReferenceTable | |
String | Description | |
Int | Number | |
Decimal? | ExtraNumber1 | |
Decimal? | ExtraNumber2 | |
Decimal? | ExtraNumber3 | |
String | ExtraText1 | |
String | ExtraText2 | |
String | ExtraText3 | |
Integer | DynamicListKey |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | Get all EmailAdressess. | |
GET | /Email(guid'key', Index'index') | Get a EmailAdress by PersonId and Index. |
PUT | /Email(guid'key', Index'index') | Update a EmailAdress. (key same as PersonId) |
PATCH | /Email(guid'key', Index'index') | Update a EmailAdress. (key same as PersonId) |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | New generated UID on each request |
Guid | PersonId | |
String | EmailAddress | |
String | EmailType | |
Int | Index | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /EmploymentHistory | Get an EmploymentHistory |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | New generated UID on each request |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid | OrganizationId | |
DateTimeOffset? | EpisodeStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | EpisodeEndDate | |
Guid | EmploymentId | |
String | EmploymentStatus | |
DateTimeOffset? | EmploymentStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | AnniversaryEmploymentDate | |
String | EmploymentStartReason | |
DateTimeOffset? | EmploymentEndDate | |
String | EmploymentEndReason | |
String | ProbationDuration | |
DateTimeOffset? | ProbationEndDate | |
String | ResignationPeriod | |
DateTimeOffset? | ResignationRequestDate | |
Guid | ContractId | |
DateTimeOffset? | ContractStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ContractEndDate | |
String | ContractType | |
String | ContractDuration | |
Byte | ContractIndex | |
Decimal | ParttimePercentage | |
Byte? | DaysPerWeek | |
Boolean | IsMinMaxWorker | |
Decimal? | MinHoursPerWeek | |
Decimal? | MaxHoursPerWeek | |
Boolean | IsOnCallWorker | |
Decimal? | PersonStandardHoursPerWeek | |
String | ReasonContractChange | |
Int | EmployeeType | 1 = Employee, 2 = OnCallWorker without obligation to work, 3 = OnCallWorker with obligation to work, 4 = Trainee, 5 = Other, 6 = Uninsured employee |
Guid | PersonFunctionId | |
Guid? | FunctionId | |
DateTimeOffset? | FunctionStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | FunctionEndDate | |
String | FunctionStartReason | |
String | FunctionCode | |
String | FunctionName | |
String | RoomNumber | |
Guid? | DepartmentId | |
String | DepartmentCode | |
String | DepartmentName | |
String | DepartmentNameShort | |
Guid? | CostCenterId | |
String | CostCenterCode | |
String | CostCenterName | |
Guid | PersonSalaryId | |
Guid? | SalaryId | |
DateTimeOffset? | SalaryStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | SalaryEndDate | |
Decimal? | SalaryTable | |
String | SalaryReason | |
String | Scale | |
Float? | Step | |
Int | Period | |
Decimal? | VariantSalary | |
Decimal? | VariantHourlyWage | |
Decimal? | NettoHourlyWage1 | |
Decimal? | NettoHourlyWage2 | |
Int | Payment | 0 = Salary, 1 = Hourly wage, 2 = Hourley wage from salary |
Guid? | TimeScheduleId | |
DateTimeOffset? | TimeScheduleStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | TimeScheduleEndDate | |
String | ManagerName | |
Guid? | ManagerId | |
String | SubstituteManagerName | |
Guid? | SubstituteManagerId | |
String | LocationName | |
Guid? | LocationId | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
CompanyCostCenter | CompanyCostCenter | Single |
CurrentEmployment | CurrentEmployment | Single |
Department | Department | Single |
Function | Function | Single |
Organization | Organization | Single |
Person | Manager | Single |
Person | Person | Single |
TimeSchedule | TimeSchedule | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /FreeFieldData(moduleId=guid'moduleId',entityId=guid'entityId') | Get data from FreeField table. Parameter moduleId is required. |
POST | /FreeFieldData | Add, update or delete FreeField data. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required for update and delete |
Guid | FreeFieldModuleId | Required |
Guid | CustomerId | |
Guid | EntityId | Required |
Short | Entity |
String | JsonData |
Required for add and update.
Json serialized data, set to null to delete the record |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /FreeFieldModule | Get a FreeFieldModule. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Guid | CustomerId | |
String | Name | |
String | Entity |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Function | Get a Function. |
GET | /Function(guid'key') | Get a Function. |
POST | /Function | Add a new Function. |
PUT | /Function(guid'key', Function'function') | Update a Function. |
PATCH | /Function(guid'key', Function'function') | Update a Function. |
DELETE | /Function(guid'key') | Delete a Function. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CustomerId | |
String | Code | |
String | Name | |
String | LongName | |
Boolean? | IsActive | Default value: true |
String | KindOfJob | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 121. MaxLength: 50 |
String | TypeOfJob | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 114. MaxLength: 50 |
Boolean | Staff | Default value: false |
Guid? | SalaryTableId | Required if scale is not null |
String | Scale | |
String | Group | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 115. MaxLength: 50 |
Float | Score | |
String | ExternalCode | |
String | Explanation | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Customer | Customer | Single |
CurrentEmployment | CurrentEmployments | Collection |
EmploymentHistory | EmploymentHistories | Collection |
Position | Positions | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Group | Get a Group. |
GET | /Group(guid'key') | Get a Group. |
POST | /Group | Add a new Group. |
PUT | /Group(guid'key', Group'Group') | Update a Group. |
PATCH | /Group(guid'key', Group'Group') | Update a Group. |
DELETE | /Group(guid'key') | Delete a Group. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CustomerId | Required |
Guid? | OrganizationId | |
Guid? | ManagerId | |
Guid? | SubstituteManagerId | |
String | Class | Required |
String | Name | Required |
String | Code | |
String | Description | |
DateTimeOffset? | StartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | EndDate | |
Boolean | IsClosedGoup | |
Guid? | LocationId | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Customer | Customer | Single |
Organization | Organization | Single |
Person | Manager | Single |
Person | SubstituteManager | Single |
GroupParticipant | Participants | Collection |
Location | Location | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /GroupParticipant | Get a GroupParticipant. |
GET | /GroupParticipant(guid'key') | Get a GroupParticipant. |
POST | /GroupParticipant | Add a new GroupParticipant. |
PUT | /GroupParticipant(guid'key', GroupParticipant'GroupParticipant') | Update a GroupParticipant. |
PATCH | /GroupParticipant(guid'key', GroupParticipant'GroupParticipant') | Update a GroupParticipant. |
DELETE | /GroupParticipant(guid'key') | Delete a GroupParticipant. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | GroupId | Required |
Guid | ParticipantId | Required |
DateTimeOffset? | ParticipationStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ParticipationEndDate | |
String | ParticipantRole | |
String | Remark | |
String | ReasonEnding | |
Decimal? | Distance | |
Decimal? | DeviatingDistance | |
Guid? | LocationId | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Group | Group | Single |
Person | Participant | Single |
Location | Location | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /LeaseCar | Get a LeaseCar. |
GET | /LeaseCar(guid'key') | Get a LeaseCar. |
POST | /LeaseCar | Add a new LeaseCar. |
PUT | /LeaseCar(guid'key', LeaseCar'leaseCar') | Update a LeaseCar. |
PATCH | /LeaseCar(guid'key', LeaseCar'leaseCar') | Update a LeaseCar. |
/LeaseCar(guid'key' [,shouldGenerateTwk=false|true]) |
Delete a LeaseCar with option to generate retroactive payments (twk) (default false). |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
DateTimeOffset? | StartLeaseContract | |
DateTimeOffset? | EndLeaseContract | |
DateTimeOffset? | StartLeasePeriod | |
DateTimeOffset? | EndLeasePeriod | |
String | Licenseplatenumber | Required |
String | Brand | |
Byte? | EnergieClass | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1070 |
Int? | MaxRange | |
Decimal? | CatalogPrice | |
Decimal? | LeaseFee | |
String | ContractNumber | |
String | LeaseCategory |
DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 105. MaxLength: 20 |
Decimal? | LeaseContribution | |
Byte? | NoTaxCode | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1038 |
Decimal? | EmployeeNoTaxAmount | |
Decimal? | DeviantenergyClassPercentage | |
String | Model | |
Byte? | Fuel | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1072 |
String | Color | |
Int? | Co2Emissions | |
Decimal? | EnergieClassPercentage | |
DateTime? | DateOf1stRegistration | |
bool? | ShouldGenerateTwk | Only with POST, PUT and PATCH method |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /LeaveEntitlement | Get a LeaveEntitlement. |
GET | /LeaveEntitlement(guid'key') | Get a LeaveEntitlement. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
String | LeaveCode | |
String | DescriptionCode | |
Short? | Year | |
DateTimeOffset? | Start | |
DateTimeOffset? | End | |
Decimal? | BasicRight | |
String | Type | |
Boolean | InDays | |
String | Type | |
Boolean | IsStatutory | |
Decimal? | StatutoryPart | |
Boolean | Split | |
Byte | Retention | |
Boolean | Closed | |
Guid | CustomerId | |
Short | TypeWAZO | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Customer | Customer | Single |
PersonLeaveEntitlement | PersonLeaveEntitlements | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Location | Get a Location. |
GET | /Location(guid'key') | Get a Location. |
POST | /Location | Add a new Location. |
PUT | /Location(guid'key', Location'location') | Update a Location. |
PATCH | /Location(guid'key', Location'location') | Update a Location. |
DELETE | /Location(guid'key') | Delete a Location. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CustomerId | Required |
String | Code | MaxLength: 20 |
String | Name | MaxLength: 50 |
String | Street | MaxLength: 255 |
Int? | HouseNumber | |
String | HouseNumberAddition | MaxLength: 15 |
String | Zipcode | MaxLength: 7 |
String | City | MaxLength: 50 |
String | CountryCode | ISO 3166-1 Alfa-2 code, for a list with all codes click here. |
String | Phone | MaxLength: 15 |
String | Fax | MaxLength: 15 |
String | ContactPerson | MaxLength: 50 |
String | ContactPhone | MaxLength: 15 |
String | ContactEmail | MaxLength: 50 |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Customer | Customer | Single |
Group | Groups | Collection |
GroupParticipant | Participants | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Nationality | Get a Nationality. |
GET | /Nationality(guid'key') | Get a Nationality. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
String | NationalityCode | |
String | Description |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /NewPerson | Add a new Person based on a given DefaultPerson. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid? | ID | Read-only |
DateTimeOffset | StartDate | Required |
Guid | OrganizationId | Required |
Int | PersonNumber | Use 0 to apply next available number |
Long? | CitizenServiceNumber | |
String | Initials | |
String | Prefixes | |
String | Lastname | |
String | Names | |
String | Nickname | |
Byte | Gender | Required, 1 = Male, 2 = Female |
DateTimeOffset? | DateOfBirth | |
String | ||
Guid | DepartmentId | Required |
Guid | FunctionId | Required |
Int | DefaultPerson | Required |
Guid | CompanyId |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Organization | Get an Organization. |
GET | /Organization(guid'key') | Get an Organization. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CustomerId | |
Guid | ArbodienstId | |
Int | OrganizationNumber | |
String | Name | |
String | Street | |
String | HouseNumber | |
String | HouseNumberAddition | |
String | Zipcode | |
String | City | |
String | Country | |
String | Phone | |
String | Fax | |
String | OrganizationClass | |
String | OrganizationType | |
String | ContactPerson | |
String | ContactDepartment | |
String | ContactPhone | |
String | ContactFax | |
String | ContactEmail | |
Boolean | Active | |
String | AffiliateId | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Arbodienst | Arbodienst | Single |
Customer | Customer | Single |
Company | Companies | Collection |
Currentemployment | CurrentEmployments | Collection |
Department | Departments | Collection |
EmploymentHistory | EmploymentHistories | Collection |
Person | People | Collection |
Position | Positions | Collection |
Group | Groups | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /OrgChart | Get an OrgChart. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid? | ID | |
Guid | CustomerId | |
Guid? | OrganizationID | |
Int | OrganisationNumber | |
String | OrganisationName | |
Guid? | ParentDepartmentId | |
Guid? | DepartmentId | |
String | DepartmentCode | |
String | DepartmentName | |
String | DepartmentExternalCode | |
String | DepartmentType | |
String | DepartmentClass | |
Int | Active |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PaymentInformation | Get a PaymentInformation. |
GET | /PaymentInformation(guid'key') | Get a PaymentInformation. |
POST | /PaymentInformation | Add a new PaymentInformation. |
PUT | /PaymentInformation(guid'key', PaymentInformation'paymentInformation') | Update a PaymentInformation. |
PATCH | /PaymentInformation(guid'key', PaymentInformation'paymentInformation') | Update a PaymentInformation. |
DELETE | /PaymentInformation(guid'key') | Delete a PaymentInformation. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Byte | IndexNumber | Required |
String | IBAN | Required |
String | Description | |
String | Recipent | |
String | RecipentCity | Required when Recipent is provided |
String | RecipentCountryIsoCode | Required when Recipent is provided. ISO Country Code |
String | BIC | |
String | Costs | (1, 2 or 3) Required if BIC is available |
String | AddressType | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Byte | IndexNumber | Required |
String | IBAN | Required |
String | Description | |
String | Recipent | |
String | RecipentCity | Required when Recipent is provided |
String | RecipentCountryIsoCode | Required when Recipent is provided. ISO Country Code |
String | BIC | Required |
String | Costs | (1, 2 or 3) Required |
String | AddressType | Required |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Payroll | Get a Payroll. |
GET | /Payroll(guid'key') | Get a Payroll. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid | CompanyId | |
Byte | CodeActive | |
Int? | CompanyNumber | |
Short? | CompanyGroupNumber | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Company | Company | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Payslip(personId=guid'personId'[,year=year]) | Get person payslips for selected year or last 2 years of employment. |
GET | /Payslip(personId=guid'personId',runId=guid'runId'[,stream=false]) | Get a specific payslip as PDF document. Result is a JSON document or PDF download when stream=true is used. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | References Run.ID |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid | CompanyId | |
String | Description | |
DateTime | PaymentPeriodStart | |
DateTime | PaymentPeriodEnd | |
short | Year | |
short | Period | |
short | PaymentPeriod | |
short | Amount | |
Varbinary | Document | Base64 encoded PDF |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Person | Get a Person. |
GET | /Person(guid'key') | Get a Person. |
POST | /Person | Add a new Person. |
PUT | /Person(guid'key', Person'person') | Update a Person. |
PATCH | /Person(guid'key', Person'person') | Update a Person. |
DELETE | /Person(guid'key') | Delete a Person. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | OrganizationId | Required |
Guid? | ArbodienstId | |
Int | PersonNumber | Required |
Long? | CitizenServiceNumber | Only PATCH/UPDATE. GET is only available on CitizenServiceNumber |
String | TitleBefore | |
String | TitleAfter | |
String | Initials | Required |
String | Prefixes | |
String | Lastname | Required |
String | Names | |
String | Nickname | |
Byte | Gender | Unknown = 0, Male = 1, Female = 2, X = 3 |
DateTimeOffset | DateOfBirth | Required |
String | CityOfBirth | |
String | CountryOfBirthCode | |
String | NationalityCode | |
DateTimeOffset? | AnniversaryDate | |
Int? | MaritalStatus | |
DateTimeOffset? | RelationshipStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | RelationshipEndDate | |
Byte | LastNameformat | Required |
Byte? | IsCurrentemployee | Readonly 0=unemployed, 1=employed, 2=employed in the future |
String | SpouseInitials | |
String | SpousePrefixes | |
String | SpouseLastName | |
String | SpouseNames | |
String | SpouseNickname | |
Byte? | SpouseGender | Unknown = 0, Male = 1, Female = 2, X = 3 |
DateTimeOffset? | SpouseDateOfBirth | |
Double? | SpouseCitizenServiceNumber | Only PATCH/UPDATE. GET is only available on CitizenServiceNumber |
DateTimeOffset? | DateOfDeath | |
String | NameComplete | Readonly |
String | NameList | Readonly |
String | NameListComplete | Readonly |
String | SalutationFormal | Readonly |
String | SalutationInformal | Readonly |
String | NameAddressFormal | Readonly |
String | NameAddressInformal | Readonly |
Byte | TypePerson | Readonly |
Guid | CompanyId | Readonly |
String | Paygroup | Readonly |
String | ExternalReference | Readonly |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Arbodienst | Arbodienst | Single |
CitizenServiceNumber | CitizenServiceNumbers | Single |
CurrentEmployment | CurrentEmployment | Single |
Organization | Organization | Single |
Payroll | Payroll | Collection |
CurrentEmployment | CurrentEmployments | Collection |
Address | Addresses | Collection |
CalculatedSalaryComponent | CalculatedSalaryComponents | Collection |
CurrentEmployment | ManagerForCurrentEmployments | Collection |
Department | CasemanagerForDepartments | Collection |
Department | HRConsultantForDepartments | Collection |
Department | ManagerForDepartments | Collection |
Department | SubstituteManagerForDepartments | Collection |
EmailAddresses | Collection | |
EmploymentHistory | EmploymentHistories | Collection |
EmploymentHistory | ManagerForEmploymentHistory | Collection |
Group | ManagerForGroups | Collection |
Group | SubstituteManagerForGroups | Collection |
GroupParticipant | ParticipantInGroups | Collection |
LeaseCar | LeaseCars | Collection |
Leave | LeaveTakes | Collection |
PaymentInformation | PaymentInformations | Collection |
PersonLeave | Leaves | Collection |
PersonIdentification | Identifications | Collection |
PersonProvision | Provisions | Collection |
Phone | PhoneNumbers | Collection |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Collection |
SickLeave | SickLeaves | Collection |
SickFile | SickFiles | Collection |
PersonDocuments | PersonDocuments | Collection |
SalaryIndustryScheme | SalaryIndustryScheme | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonCompanyAuthorization(guid'key', roleId=guid'roleId') | Get a collection of PersonCompanyAuthorization for a specific role and person. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
System.Guid | ID | |
System.Guid | RoleId | |
System.Guid | PersoonId | |
System.Guid | CustomerId | |
System.Guid | CompanyId | |
System.Int32 | CompanyNumber | |
System.String | CompanyName | |
System.Guid | OrganisationId | |
System.Int32 | OrganisationCode | |
System.String | OrganisationName |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonContract | Get a PersonContract. |
GET | /PersonContract(guid'key') | Get a PersonContract. |
POST | /PersonContract | Add a new PersonContract. |
PUT | /PersonContract(guid'key', PersonContract'personContract') | Update a PersonContract. |
PATCH | /PersonContract(guid'key', PersonContract'personContract') | Update a PersonContract. |
DELETE | /PersonContract(guid'key') | Delete a PersonContract. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Guid | EmploymentId | Required |
DateTimeOffset | ContractStartDate |
Required ISO8601 example: 2017-12-11T00:00:00+01:00 |
DateTimeOffset? | ContractEndDate |
ISO8601 example: 2017-12-11T00:00:00+01:00 |
String | ContractType | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 203. MaxLength: 20 |
String | ContractDuration | Required for PUT only DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 207. MaxLength: 50 |
Short | ContractIndex | Range(0,255) |
Double | ParttimePercentage | |
Byte | DaysPerWeek | Range(0,7) |
Bool | IsMinMaxWorker | Required |
Double | MinHoursPerWeek | |
Double | MaxHoursPerWeek | |
Bool | IsOnCallWorker | Required |
Double | PersonStandardHoursPerWeek | |
String | ReasonContractChange | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 212. MaxLength: 50 |
Byte | EmployeeType |
1 = Employee, 2 = OnCallWorker without obligation to work, 3 = OnCallWorker with obligation to work, 4 = Trainee, 5 = Other, 6 = Uninsured employee |
Bool | IndWrittenContract | Default value: true |
Bool | BBL | Default value: false |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonDepartmentAuthorization(guid'key', roleId=guid'roleId') | Get a collection of PersonDepartmentAuthorization for a specific role and person. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
System.Guid | ID | |
System.Guid | RoleId | |
System.Guid | PersoonId | |
System.Guid | CustomerId | |
System.Guid | DepartmentId | |
System.String | DepartmentCode | |
System.String | DepartmentName | |
System.Guid | OrganisationId | |
System.Int32 | OrganisationCode | |
System.String | OrganisationName | |
System.Nullable`1[System.Guid] | ParentDepartmentId |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonDocument(guid'key') | Get a PersonDocument. |
POST | /PersonDocument | Add a new PersonDocument. |
PUT | /PersonDocument(guid'key', PersonDocument'personDocument') | Update a PersonDocument. |
PATCH | /PersonDocument(guid'key', PersonDocument'personDocument') | Update a PersonDocument. |
DELETE | /PersonDocument(guid'key') | Delete a PersonDocument. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
String | FileName | |
DateTime | RegistratedOn | |
String | DisplayFileName | |
Decimal? | FileSize | |
Guid? | RegistratedBy | |
Boolean | ShowToEmployee | |
Boolean | ShowToManager | |
Guid | DocumentGroup | Required |
DateTimeOffset? | ShowToEmployeeStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ShowToManagerStartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | FileDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | DateOfContent | |
Varbinary? | Document | |
Byte | RetentionPeriod | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1325 |
DateTimeOffset? | RetentionPeriodDate | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
DocumentGroup | DocumentGroup | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonEmployment | Get a PersonEmployment. |
GET | /PersonEmployment(guid'key') | Get a PersonEmployment. |
PUT | /PersonEmployment(guid'key', PersonEmployment'personEmployment') | Update a PersonEmployment. |
PATCH | /PersonEmployment(guid'key', PersonEmployment'personEmployment') | Update a PersonEmployment. |
DELETE | /PersonEmployment(guid'key') | Delete a PersonEmployment. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
DateTimeOffset | EmploymentStartDate |
Required, ISO8601 example: 2017-12-11T00:00:00+01:00 |
DateTimeOffset? | EmploymentEndDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | AnniversaryEmploymentDate | |
String | EmploymentStatus | Employee or Relation |
String | ProbationDuration | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 204 |
DateTimeOffset | ProbationEndDate | |
String | EmploymentEndReason | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 202 |
DateTimeOffset | ResignationRequestDate | |
String | ResignationPeriod | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 206 |
String | EmploymentStartReason | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 201 |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonExternalNumber | Get a Group. |
GET | /PersonExternalNumber(guid'key') | Get a PersonExternalNumber. |
POST | /PersonExternalNumber | Add a new PersonExternalNumber. |
PUT | /PersonExternalNumber(guid'key', PersonExternalNumber'PersonExternalNumber') | Update a PersonExternalNumber. |
PATCH | /PersonExternalNumber(guid'key', PersonExternalNumber'PersonExternalNumber') | Update a PersonExternalNumber. |
DELETE | /PersonExternalNumber(guid'key') | Delete a PersonExternalNumber. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
String | ExternalId | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
String | ExternalName | Required |
DateTimeOffset | CreatedAt | |
DateTimeOffset | ChangedAt | |
Short | ReferenceType | Read-Only |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonIdentification | Get a PersonIdentification. |
GET | /PersonIdentification(guid'key') | Get a PersonIdentification. |
POST | /PersonIdentification | Add a new PersonIdentification. |
PUT | /PersonIdentification(guid'key', PersonIdentification'personIdentification') | Update a PersonIdentification. |
PATCH | /PersonIdentification(guid'key', PersonIdentification'personIdentification') | Update a PersonIdentification. |
DELETE | /PersonIdentification(guid'key') | Delete a PersonIdentification. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | |
String | DocumentType | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 117 |
String | DocumentClass | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 118 |
String | IdentificationNumber | |
String | IssuedBy | |
DateTimeOffset? | IssueDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ExpirationDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ToExtendFor | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonLeave | Get a PersonLeave. |
GET | /PersonLeave(guid'key') | Get a PersonLeave. |
POST | /PersonLeave | Add a new PersonLeave. |
PUT | /PersonLeave(guid'key', PersonLeave'personLeave') | Update a PersonLeave. |
PATCH | /PersonLeave(guid'key', PersonLeave'personLeave') | Update a PersonLeave. |
DELETE | /PersonLeave(guid'key') | Delete a PersonLeave. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonLeaveEntitlementId | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
DateTimeOffset | From | Required |
DateTimeOffset | To | Required |
Decimal | Use | Required |
String | Reason | (Opboeking, Afboeking, Aankoop, Verkoop, Correctie or Uitbetalen) |
String | Description | |
String | Correction | |
DateTimeOffset? | CreatedDate | Read-Only |
DateTimeOffset? | ModifiedDate | Read-Only |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
PersonLeaveEntitlement | PersonLeaveEntitlement | Single |
PersonLeaveHour | PersonLeaveHours | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonLeaveEntitlement | Get a PersonLeaveEntitlement. |
GET | /PersonLeaveEntitlement(guid'key') | Get a PersonLeaveEntitlement. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | LeaveEntitlementId | |
Guid | PersonId | |
Decimal | TotalEntitlement | |
Decimal | Taken | |
Decimal | RightsThisYear | |
Decimal | Used | |
Decimal | Remaining | |
String | Correction | |
Decimal | StatutoryLeaveEntitlement | |
Decimal | ExtraStatutoryLeaveEntitlement | |
Decimal | TakenExtraStatutoryLeaveEntitlement5YearsAgo | |
Decimal | TakenExtraStatutoryLeaveEntitlement4YearsAgo | |
Decimal | TakenExtraStatutoryLeaveEntitlement3YearsAgo | |
Decimal | TakenExtraStatutoryLeaveEntitlement2YearsAgo | |
Decimal | TakenExtraStatutoryLeaveEntitlement1YearAgo | |
Decimal | TakenStatutoryLeaveEntitlement1YearAgo | |
Decimal | BasicRight | |
Decimal | RegulationExtra | |
Decimal | Total | |
Decimal | NotTaken | |
Float? | RegulationSalGroup | |
Decimal | RegulationAge | |
Decimal | RegulationServiceYears | |
Decimal | RegulationTotal | |
Decimal | NotWithStatutoryLeaveEntitlement | |
Decimal | NotWithExtraStatutoryLeaveEntitlement | |
Bool | IsClosed | |
Decimal | Factor | |
String | UntilPeriod | |
DateTime? | RegulationReferenceDate | |
DateTime? | DateOfBirthChild | |
DateTime? | EndDate | |
Decimal? | WeeksPreviousEmployer | |
Bool? | IndividualPensionAccrual | |
Decimal? | NumberOfWeeksEntitlement | |
Decimal? | NumberOfWeeksRequested | |
Decimal? | NumberOfWeeksCredit | |
Decimal? | ParentalLeaveCorrection | |
Decimal? | Debit | |
Decimal? | Credit | |
DateTimeOffset? | CreatedDate | Read-Only |
DateTimeOffset? | ModifiedDate | Read-Only |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
LeaveEntitlement | LeaveEntitlement | Single |
PersonLeave | PersonLeaves | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonLeaveHour | Get a PersonLeaveHour. |
GET | /PersonLeaveHour(guid'key') | Get a PersonLeaveHour. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonLeaveId | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Guid | PersonLeaveEntitlementId | Required |
Date | Date | Required |
DateTimeOffset | StartTime | Required |
DateTimeOffset | EndTime | Required |
Single? | Use | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
PersonLeave | PersonLeaveId | Single |
Person | PersonId | Single |
PersonLeaveEntitlement | PersonLeaveEntitlementId | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonOrganization | Get a PersonOrganization. |
GET | /PersonOrganization(guid'key') | Get a PersonOrganization. |
POST | /PersonOrganization | Add a new PersonOrganization. |
PUT | /PersonOrganization(guid'key', PersonOrganization'personOrganization') | Update a PersonOrganization. |
PATCH | /PersonOrganization(guid'key', PersonOrganization'personOrganization') | Update a PersonOrganization. |
DELETE | /PersonOrganization(guid'key') | Delete a PersonOrganization. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Guid | EmploymentId | Required |
DateTime | FunctionStartDate | |
DateTime | FunctionEndDate | |
String | FunctionStartReason | MaxLength: 50 |
Guid | FunctionId | Required |
String | FunctionCode | Required (if FunctionId is not used) MaxLength: 12 |
String | FunctionName | Required (if FunctionId is not used) MaxLength: 50 |
Guid | DepartmentId | Required |
String | DepartmentCode | Required (if DepartmentId is not used) MaxLength: 12 |
String | DepartmentName | Required (if DepartmentId is not used) MaxLength: 50 |
Guid | PositionId | Read-only |
String | PositionCode | Read-only MaxLength: 25 |
String | PositionName | Read-only MaxLength: 50 |
String | RoomNumber | MaxLength: 10 |
Guid | DeviantLocationId | |
String | DeviantLocationCode | MaxLength: 20 |
String | DeviantLocationName | MaxLength: 50 |
Guid | DeviantManagerId | |
Int | DeviantManagerPersonNumber | |
String | DeviantLocationName | MaxLength: 120 |
Guid | DeviantSubstituteManagerId | |
Int | DeviantSubstituteManagerPersonNumber | |
String | DeviantSubstituteManagerName | MaxLength: 120 |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
PersonId | Person | Single |
DepartmentId | Department | Single |
FunctionId | Function | Single |
PositionId | Position | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonProvision | Get a PersonProvision. |
GET | /PersonProvision(guid'key') | Get a PersonProvision. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid | ProvisionId | |
DateTimeOffset? | RequestDate | |
String | RequestState | |
DateTimeOffset? | IssueDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ExpirationDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ReturnDate | |
Decimal? | Contribution | |
Decimal? | Value | |
String | NumberOrCode | |
String | Description | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
PersonId | Person | Single |
ProvisionId | Provision | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonRole(guid'key') | Get a collection of PersonRole for a specific person. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
System.Guid | ID | |
System.Guid | RoleId | |
System.String | RoleName | |
System.Int32 | LicenseType | |
System.Boolean | IsProfessionalRole | |
System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime] | StartDate | |
System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime] | EndDate |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonRoleEmployee | Get a PersonRoleEmployee. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | New generated UID on each request |
Guid | EmployeePersonID | |
Guid | EmployeePersonName | MaxLength: 60 |
Int | EmployeePersonNumber | |
Guid | OrganisationId | |
Int | OrganisationCode | |
String | OrganisationName | MaxLength: 255 |
Guid | DepartmentId | |
String | DepartmentCode | MaxLength: 12 |
String | DepartmentName | MaxLength: 50 |
Guid? | RoleId | |
String | RoleName | |
Int? | SystemRoleKey | 9876 = Manager, 9877 = Vervanger, 9878 = Case Manager, 9879 = HR Adviseur |
Guid? | DeviantManagerPersonId | |
String | DeviantManagerPersonName | MaxLength: 60 |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
OrganisationId | Organization | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonSalary | Get a PersonSalary. |
GET | /PersonSalary(guid'key') | Get a PersonSalary. |
POST | /PersonSalary | Add a new PersonSalary. |
PUT | /PersonSalary(guid'key', PersonSalary'personSalary') | Update a PersonSalary. |
DELETE | /PersonSalary(guid'key') | Delete a PersonSalary. |
Type | Name | Additional information | |
Guid | ID | Required | |
Guid | PersonId | Required | |
Guid | EmploymentId | Required | |
DateTimeOffset | SalaryStartDate | Required | |
DateTimeOffset? | SalaryEndDate | ||
Byte | SalaryType |
0 = Periodic salary amount, days are generated 1 = Hourly wage, hours and days must be set 2 = Hourly wage calculated from periodic salary amount, hours and days must be set |
Guid | SalaryTableId | Reference to SalaryTable | |
Guid | SalaryTableLineId | Reference to SalaryTableLine | |
String | Scale | Read-only | |
Float? | Step | Read-only | |
Int? | StepSerialNumber | Read-only | |
Decimal? | SalaryTableAmount | Read-only | |
Decimal | RelativeSalaryPosition | Required | |
String | SalaryReason | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 127 | |
Byte | PeriodNextIncreaseMethod |
Required 0 = No periodic increase 1 = Fixed period 2 = Follows table setting (month birthday / hired) |
Int | PeriodNextIncrease |
Required Use 0 (disabled) or format YYYYPP |
Decimal? | VariantSalary | Required when SalaryType = 0 or 2 | |
Decimal? | VariantHourlyWage | Required when SalaryType = 1 | |
Decimal? | HourlyWage2 | ||
Decimal? | NetHourlyWage1 | ||
Decimal? | NetHourlyWage2 | ||
Decimal? | DeviantHoursHourlyWage | ||
Short | DeviantHoursHourlyWageMethod |
Required 0 = Not applicable 1 = Working days (hours per year / 12) 2 = Statement of deviating hours If AfwUrenUurloon is greater than 0 and DeviantHoursHourlyWageMethod equals 0 or not included in the JSON post. Then DeviantHoursHourlyWageMethod will automatically be set to 2. |
Relations | |||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information | |
PersonId | Person | Single | |
SalaryTableId | SalaryTable | Single | |
SalaryTableLineId | SalaryTableLine | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /PersonTimeSchedule | Get a PersonTimeSchedule. |
GET | /PersonTimeSchedule(guid'key') | Get a PersonTimeSchedule. |
POST | /PersonTimeSchedule | Add a new PersonTimeSchedule. |
PUT | /PersonTimeSchedule(guid'key', PersonTimeSchedule'personTimeSchedule') | Update a PersonTimeSchedule. |
PATCH | /PersonTimeSchedule(guid'key', PersonTimeSchedule'personTimeSchedule') | Update a PersonTimeSchedule. |
DELETE | /PersonTimeSchedule(guid'key') | Delete a PersonTimeSchedule. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Guid | EmploymentId | Required |
Guid | TimeScheduleId | Required |
String | TimeScheduleCode | Read-only |
String | TimeScheduleName | Read-only |
DateTimeOffset | TimeScheduleStartDate | Required |
DateTimeOffset? | TimeScheduleEndDate | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
PersonId | Person | Single |
TimeScheduleId | TimeSchedule | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Phone | Get Phone objects. Returns all available objects. Use filter to limit the results. |
GET | /Phone(guid'PersonId', Index=index) | Get Phone object by PersonId and Index. Returns one matching object or an error. |
PUT | /Phone(guid'PersonId', Index=index) | Update Phone object by PersonId and Index. All parameters used. |
PATCH | /Phone(guid'PersonId', Index=index) | Update Phone object by PersonId and Index. All required and any specified parameters used. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required for PUT only(same as PersonId); randomly generated GUID on each GET request |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
String | PhoneNumber | Required for PUT only; maximum length of 20 characters |
String | PhoneType | Required for PUT only; check DynamicList.ReferenceTableId=9 |
Int | Index | Required; possible values are 1, 2, 3 or 4 |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Position | Get a Position. |
GET | /Position(guid'key') | Get a Position. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid? | OrganizationId | |
Guid? | DepartmentId | |
Guid? | FunctionId | |
String | Code | |
String | Name | |
String | Explanation | |
Decimal? | FteCurrentBudget | |
Decimal? | FteNextBudget | |
Decimal? | FtePreviousBudget | |
Decimal? | AmountCurrentBudget | |
Decimal? | AmountNextBudget | |
Decimal? | AmountPreviousBudget | |
Decimal? | OverheadCurrentBudget | |
Decimal? | OverheadNextBudget | |
Decimal? | OverheadPreviousBudget | |
Boolean | IsActive | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Provision | Provision | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /ProcessingGroup | Get a ProcessingGroup. |
GET | /ProcessingGroup(guid'key') | Get a ProcessingGroup. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | |
Int | ProcessingGroupCode | |
String | ProcessingGroupName | |
String | ProcessingGroupDescription | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Provision | Get a Provision. |
GET | /Provision(guid'key') | Get a Provision. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CustomerId | |
String | Code | |
String | Description | |
String | Explanation | |
String | Originator | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Customer | Customer | Single |
PersonProvision | PersonProvisions | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /ReEmployment | Execute a re-hire action. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
PersonEmployment | personEmployment | Required |
PersonContract | personContract | Required |
PersonTimeSchedule | personTimeSchedule | Required |
PersonOrganization | personOrganization | Required |
PersonSalary | personSalary | Required |
Note: The ID’s are ignored and assigned automatically. |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /Run | Get a Run. |
GET | /Run(guid'key') | Get a Run. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | |
Short? | Year | |
Short? | Number | |
Short? | WagePeriod | |
Short? | Period | |
String | Type | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
CalculatedSalaryComponent | CalculatedSalaryComponents | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryComponent | Get a SalaryComponent. |
GET | /SalaryComponent(guid'key') | Get a SalaryComponent. |
POST | /SalaryComponent | Add a new SalaryComponent. |
PUT | /SalaryComponent(guid'key', SalaryComponent'salaryComponent') | Update a SalaryComponent. |
PATCH | /SalaryComponent(guid'key', SalaryComponent'salaryComponent') | Update a SalaryComponent. |
DELETE | /SalaryComponent(guid'key') | Delete a SalaryComponent. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryEmploymentId | Required |
Int | Code | Required |
Decimal? | CostingCode1 | |
Decimal? | CostingCode2 | |
Decimal? | CostingCode3 | |
DateTimeOffset? | Date | |
Int? | StartPeriod | |
Int? | EndPeriod | |
Decimal? | Amount | |
Decimal? | Hours | |
Decimal? | Days | |
Decimal? | Quantities | |
Boolean? | IsConstant | Required |
Boolean? | IsActive | |
DateTimeOffset? | StartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | EndDate | |
Int? | InitialPeriod | |
Byte? | Interval | |
Short? | BatchNr | |
String | ProjectCode | |
DateTimeOffset? | Moment | Readonly |
Boolean | ShouldGenerateTwk | Only with POST method |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryComponentSettlement | Get a SalaryComponentSettlement. |
GET | /SalaryComponentSettlement(guid'key') | Get a SalaryComponentSettlement. |
POST | /SalaryComponentSettlement | Add a new SalaryComponentSettlement. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Int | Code | Required |
Boolean? | IsActive | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryEmployment | Get SalaryEmployment objects. Returns all available objects. Use filter to limit the results. |
GET | /SalaryEmployment(guid'key') | Get a SalaryEmployment object. Returns one matching object or an error. |
POST | /SalaryEmployment | Add a new SalaryEmployment. |
PUT | /SalaryEmployment(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentTax'salaryEmploymentTax') | Update a SalaryEmployment object. All parameters used. |
PATCH | /SalaryEmployment(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentTax'salaryEmploymentTax') | Update a SalaryEmployment object. All required and any specified parameters used. |
DELETE | /SalaryEmployment(guid'key') | Delete a SalaryEmployment. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CompanyId | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Guid? | CompanySalaryPositionId | |
Guid? | CompanySalaryTableId | |
Byte? | SalaryType | 0 = Salary, 1 = Hourly wage, 2 = Hourley wage from salary |
DateTimeOffset? | StartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | EndDate | |
Byte | CodeActive | Required |
Short? | TaxIndexNumber | |
String | ContractType | |
Short? | EmploymentRelationship | |
Decimal? | DaysPerWeek | |
Decimal? | HoursPerWeek | |
Int? | RaisePeriod | |
Decimal? | BasicSalary | |
Decimal? | BasicHourly | |
Decimal | HoursMonday | Required |
Decimal | HoursTuesday | Required |
Decimal | HoursWednesday | Required |
Decimal | HoursThursday | Required |
Decimal | HoursFriday | Required |
Decimal | HoursSaturday | Required |
Decimal | HoursSunday | Required |
Boolean | LinkedEmployment | Required |
Decimal? | WorkPercentage | |
Decimal? | FulltimeHoursPerWeek | |
Int? | EmploymentEndReason | StandardList. ReferenceTableId 1026. Default value: - If EndDate is given: 1 - If EndDate is null: EmploymentEndReason will be set to 'null' |
Bool | IndWrittenContract | Default value: true |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Company | Company | Single |
CompanySalaryTable | CompanySalaryTable | Single |
CompanySalaryPosition | CompanySalaryPosition | Single |
Person | Person | Single |
CostCenterAllocation | CostCenterAllocations | Collection |
SalaryComponent | SalaryComponents | Collection |
SalarySocial | SalarySocial | Single |
SalaryFiscal | SalaryFiscal | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentCostCenter | Get a SalaryEmploymentCostCenter. |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentCostCenter(guid'key') | Get a SalaryEmploymentCostCenter. |
PUT | /SalaryEmploymentCostCenter(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentCostCenter'salaryEmploymentCostCenter') | Update a SalaryEmploymentCostCenter. |
PATCH | /SalaryEmploymentCostCenter(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentCostCenter'salaryEmploymentCostCentert') | Update a SalaryEmploymentCostCenter. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Guid? | CompanyCostCenterId | |
Guid? | CompanyCostUnitId | |
Guid? | CompanyCostTypeId | |
decimal? | Percentage | Readonly |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentPayment | Get a SalaryEmploymentPayment. |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentPayment(guid'key') | Get a SalaryEmploymentPayment. |
PUT | /SalaryEmploymentPayment(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentPayment'salaryEmploymentPayment') | Update a SalaryEmploymentPayment. |
PATCH | /SalaryEmploymentPayment(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentPayment'salaryEmploymentPayment') | Update a SalaryEmploymentPayment. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryEmploymentId | Required |
Boolean | UsePayoutPerBank | Required |
Boolean | UseDigitalPayslip | Required |
Guid | ProcessingGroup | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity | Get a SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity. |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity(guid'key') | Get a SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity. |
PUT | /SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity'salaryEmploymentSocialSecurity') | Update a SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity. |
PATCH | /SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity'salaryEmploymentSocialSecurity') | Update a SalaryEmploymentSocialSecurity. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryEmploymentId | Required |
Guid? | WoonlandFactorCountryId | |
String | ClaimNumber | |
String | PolisNumber | |
Int? | CVZNumber | |
Byte? | CVZType | |
String | CodeZVW | |
String | CodeIABZvw | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Country | Country | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentTax | Get a SalaryEmploymentTax. |
GET | /SalaryEmploymentTax(guid'key') | Get a SalaryEmploymentTax. |
PUT | /SalaryEmploymentTax(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentTax'salaryEmploymentTax') | Update a SalaryEmploymentTax. |
PATCH | /SalaryEmploymentTax(guid'key', SalaryEmploymentTax'salaryEmploymentTax') | Update a SalaryEmploymentTax. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryEmploymentId | Required |
Boolean | UseLoonheffingskorting | Required |
Byte? | CodeTijdvak | |
Byte? | SoortInkomen | |
Int? | JaarLoonBijzonderTarief | |
Decimal? | PercentageBijzonderTarief | |
Short? | SpecialeTabel | |
Byte? | KleurTabel | |
Boolean | UseLoonheffing | Required |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryFiscal | Get SalaryFiscal objects. Returns all available objects. Use filter to limit the results. |
GET | /SalaryFiscal(guid'ID') | Get a SalaryFiscal object. Returns one matching object or an error. |
PUT | /SalaryFiscal(guid'ID', SalaryFiscal'S=salaryFiscal') | Update a SalaryFiscal object. All parameters used. |
PATCH | /SalaryFiscal(guid'ID', SalaryFiscal'salaryFiscal') | Update a SalaryFiscal object. All required and any specified parameters used. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required for PUT/PATCH. |
Guid | SalaryEmploymentId | Required for PUT/PATCH. |
Boolean | WageTax | Required for PUT/PATCH. |
Boolean | TaxReduction | Required for PUT/PATCH. |
Byte? | ColorTable | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1002 |
Byte? | PeriodTable | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1004 |
Int? | AnnualWageST | |
Decimal? | DiffPercTaxST | |
Byte? | TimeSavingsFund | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1060 |
Boolean | Stukloon | Required for PUT/PATCH. |
Short? | SpecialTable | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1003 |
Short? | C30PercRuling | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1005 |
Int? | C30PercFrom | Deprecated, use C30PercFromDate |
Int? | C30PercUntil | Deprecated, use C30PercUntilDate |
DateTimeOffset? | C30PercFromDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | C30PercUntilDate | |
Byte? | KindOfIncome | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1031 |
Short? | KindOfEmployment | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1032 |
Short? | CBSCAOCode | DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 604 |
Short? | SpecSignification1 | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 3510 |
Short? | SpecSignification2 | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 3510 |
Short? | SpecSignification3 | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 3510 |
Short? | SpecSignification4 | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 3510 |
Short? | SpecSignification5 | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 3510 |
Decimal? | SpecSignificationAmount1 | |
Decimal? | SpecSignificationAmount2 | |
Decimal? | SpecSignificationAmount3 | |
Decimal? | SpecSignificationAmount4 | |
Decimal? | SpecSignificationAmount5 | |
Boolean | WithdrawalAgreement | Required for PUT/PATCH. |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryIndustryScheme(guid'key') | Get a SalaryIndustryScheme. |
GET | /SalaryIndustryScheme?$filter=PersonId eq guid'PersonId' | Get a SalaryIndustryScheme by PersonId. |
PUT | /SalaryIndustryScheme(guid'key', SalaryIndustryScheme'SalaryIndustryScheme') | Update a SalaryIndustryScheme. |
PATCH | /SalaryIndustryScheme(guid'key', SalaryIndustryScheme'SalaryIndustryScheme') | Update a SalaryIndustryScheme. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | Required |
Byte | Index | Readonly |
Boolean | Arrangement | |
Byte | LimitSVWDays | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1059 |
Int? | Year | Readonly |
String | Description | Readonly |
String | Company | Readonly |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalarySocial | Get a SalarySocial. |
GET | /SalarySocial(guid'key') | Get a SalarySocial. |
PUT | /SalarySocial(guid'key', SalarySocial'salarySocial') | Update a SalarySocial. |
PATCH | /SalarySocial(guid'key', SalarySocial'salarySocial') | Update a SalarySocial. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryEmploymentId | Required |
Boolean | ZW | Required |
Short | WW |
Required Year < 2020 0 = Not insured 1 = Insured Year >= 2020 0 = Not insured 1 = Low 2 = High 3 = Review |
Boolean | WAOWIA | Required |
Int? | Sector | |
Byte? | RiskGroup | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1039 |
String | EffectInsurance |
Maxlength: 3 StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1033 |
String | ZVW |
Maxlength: 1 StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1036 |
Byte | IABZvw |
Required StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1049 |
Short? | SocialInsuranceReduction | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1037 |
Int? | SocialInsuranceReductionValidUntil | |
Byte? | Remittance | StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1010 |
Int? | RemittanceFrom | |
Int? | RemittanceUntil | |
Guid? | WoonlandFactorCountryId | |
String | ClaimNumber | |
String | PolisNumber | |
Int? | CVZNumber | |
Byte? | CVZType | |
Boolean | UseNominalePremieZVW | Deprecated, use 'NominalePremieZvwType' instead |
Byte? | NominalePremieZvwType |
Optional, default 0 if not included StandardList.ReferenceTableId 1019 |
Boolean | CodeUFO | Required |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryEmployment | SalaryEmployment | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryTable | Get a SalaryTable. |
GET | /SalaryTable(guid'key') | Get a SalaryTable. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CustomerId | |
String | IndustryName | Required, Max length 100 |
Int16 | TableSerialNumber | Required |
String | SalaryTableName | Max length 50 |
Boolean | IsHourlyWage | Required |
Boolean | IsMinMaxTable | Required |
Boolean | IsRSP | Required |
Int16 | BillingCycle | Required |
Boolean | IsIntegrationTable | Required |
Byte | YouthScaleIncrementMethod | Required |
Byte | YouthScaleIncrementPeriod | Required |
Byte | SalaryScaleIncrementMethod | Required |
Byte | SalaryScaleIncrementPeriod | Required |
Int16 | CustomerType | Required |
Int16 | IndustryNumber | Required |
Decimal? | BasicValuePeriodic | |
Relations |
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryTableLine | SalaryTableId | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryTableLine | Get a SalaryTableLine. |
GET | /SalaryTableLine(guid'key') | Get a SalaryTableLine. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryTableId | Required |
Boolean | IsYouthScale | Required |
String | Scale | Required, Max length 10 |
Single | Step | Required |
Single? | NextStep | |
Int32 | StepSerialNumber | |
Relations |
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryTableLineLineAmount | SalaryTableLineId | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SalaryTableLineAmount | Get a SalaryTableLineAmount. |
GET | /SalaryTableLineAmount(guid'key') | Get a SalaryTableLineAmount. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SalaryTableLineId | Required |
Int16 | Year | Required |
Int16 | Period | Required |
DateTime? | StartDate | |
DateTime? | EndDate | |
Decimal | Salary | Required |
Decimal? | MinSalary | |
Decimal? | MaxSalary | |
Relations |
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SalaryTableLine | SalaryTableLineId | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SickFile | Get a SickFile. |
GET | /SickFile(guid'key') | Get a SickFile. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid? | SickLeaveId | |
DateTimeOffset? | ActionDate | |
String | TypeOfAction | |
String | Remark | |
Short? | ActionType | |
Boolean | ShowEmployee | |
Boolean | ShowManager | |
Boolean | IsActionComplete | |
String | FollowUpRemark | |
DateTimeOffset? | FollowUpActionDate | |
String | FollowUpActionType | |
DateTimeOffset? | CreatedDate | Read-Only |
DateTimeOffset? | ModifiedDate | Read-Only |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
SickLeave | Sickleave | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SickLeave | Get SickLeave objects. Returns all available objects. Use filter to limit the results. |
GET | /SickLeave(guid'ID') | Get a SickLeave object. Returns one matching object or an error. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Guid | PersonId | |
DateTimeOffset? | StartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | EndDate | |
String | Reason | |
String | ComplaintCode | |
String | ComplaintDescription | |
DateTimeOffset? | StartTime | |
Boolean | IsFullDay | |
DateTimeOffset? | ReportDate | |
String | AccidentCode | |
String | SafteynetCode | NOTE: the name is misspelled and should be 'SafetynetCode' but can not be corrected for now due to compatibility reason. |
Boolean | NotifyArbodienst | |
String | RecoveryReason | |
Boolean | IsPregnant | |
DateTimeOffset? | ExpectedDeliveryDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | RealDeliveryDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ReportedRecoveredOn | |
Short? | ExpectedReturnToWorkIn | |
Boolean | IsContinuousAbsence | |
DateTimeOffset? | ContinuousAbsenceDate | |
String | TypeOfControl | |
String | ContactPersonNameList | |
String | ContactPersonPhone | |
String | ContactPersonEmail | |
Guid | ContactPersonId | |
DateTime? | NursingStartDate | |
String | NursingHomeName | |
String | NursingHomeAddress | |
String | NursingHomeHouseNumber | |
String | NursingHomeZipCode | |
String | NursingHomeCity | |
String | NursingHomeCountry | |
String | NursingHomePhone | |
DateTimeOffset? | CreatedDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | ModifiedDate | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Person | Person | Single |
SickFile | SickFiles | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SickLeavePeriod | Get a SickLeavePeriod. |
GET | /SickLeavePeriod(guid'key') | Get a SickLeavePeriod. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | SickLeaveId | |
DateTimeOffset? | StartDate | |
DateTimeOffset? | EndDate | |
Float | PercentageDisabled | |
String | Remarks | |
String | TypeOfWorkResumption | |
DateTimeOffset? | CreatedDate | Read-Only |
DateTimeOffset? | ModifiedDate | Read-Only |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SickLeave | SickLeave | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SingleSignOn | Get a Single Sign-On url. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
String | Url |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /StandardList | Get list of standard options. |
GET | /StandardList(guid'key') | Get list of standard options. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Int | StandardListKey | |
Int | ReferenceTableId | |
String | ReferenceTable | |
String | Description | |
Int? | Number | |
Decimal? | ExtraNumber1 | |
Decimal? | ExtraNumber2 | |
Decimal? | ExtraNumber3 | |
String | ExtraText1 | |
String | ExtraText2 | |
String | ExtraText3 | |
Short? | YearStart | |
Short? | YearEnd |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SyncData | Get all SyncData information. |
POST | /SyncData | Add new SyncData information. |
PUT | /SyncData | Update SyncData information. |
PATCH | /SyncData(guid'key') | Update SyncData information. |
DELETE | /SyncData(guid'key') | Delete a SyncData information record. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Optional (will be automatically generated) – Id of the syncdata record |
String | Entity | Required – At this moment only “SickLeave” can be set |
Guid | EntityId | Required – the id of the entity(=SickLeave) record |
String | StatusCode | Optional |
DataTimeOffset? | SyncDate | Optional (if not given then current date/time will be used) |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /SyncData_SickLeave | Get all SyncData for SickLeave information. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | SyncData recordId |
String | Entity | Name of Cobra API entity. For this moment only SickLeave is available |
Guid | EntityId | RecordId of the entity |
String | StatusCode | Statuscode |
DateTimeOffset | SyncDate | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
SickLeave | SickLeave | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /TerminateEmployment | Update the end date of a PersonEmployment |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | EmploymentId | Required |
DateTimeOffset | EmploymentEndDate | Required |
String | EmploymentEndReason |
Required. DynamicList.ReferenceTableId 202. MaxLength: 50 |
DateTimeOffset | ResignationRequestDate | Required |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /TimeSchedule | Get an TimeSchedule |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Guid | CustomerId | |
String? | Code | |
String? | Name | |
String? | Description | |
DateTimeOffset? | StartDate | |
Int? | DurationCycle | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Customer | Customer | Single |
TimeScheduleHoursPerDay | TimeScheduleHoursPerDay | Collection |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /TimeScheduleHoursPerDay | Get an TimeScheduleHoursPerDay |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Guid | TimeScheduleId | |
Int? | Index | |
Decimal? | Hours | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
TimeSchedule | TimeSchedule | Single |
Method | URL | Additional information |
POST | /User | Add a new User. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | |
Guid | PersonId | |
Guid | CustomerId | The customer to link the user with. |
String | Required | |
String | FirstName | |
Byte | Gender | Required (Male = 1, Female = 2) |
String | Initials | |
String | LastName | Required |
String | MiddleNames | |
String | NickName | |
String | Prepositions | |
Boolean | SendMail | Required |
String | Password | Readonly |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /UserInfo | Returns a dictionary with User Info after consuming a token retrieved by the 'Authorization code flow'. 'Client Credentials flow' will return the clientIdentifier in Email field. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid? | sub | UserId of the logged in user |
Guid? | csub | Cobra UserId of the logged in user |
String | Emailaddress of the logged in user | |
String | employeenr | Employee number of the logged in user |
Guid? | organizationid | |
Guid? | customerid |
Method | URL | Additional information |
GET | /WoonlandFactor | Get a WoonlandFactor. |
GET | /WoonlandFactor(guid'key') | Get a WoonlandFactor. |
Type | Name | Additional information |
Guid | ID | Required |
Guid | CountryId | |
Float | WoonlandFactor1 | |
Decimal | NominalePremie | |
Short | Year | |
Relations | ||
Name | Navigation Property | Additional information |
Country | Country | Single |